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What is maidsafecoin (maid)?

MaidSafecoin is the temporary cryptocurrency coin used for the alpha and beta versions of the SAFE network, which stands for Secure Access For Everyone. MAID itself is an acronym for Massive Array of Internet Disks. The SAFE network was first envisioned in 2006 by MaidSafe to create a decentralized internet that’s safe and fair for everyone.

Who is alpha safes?

The company was established in 1963 as Sri Lanka’s pioneer manufacturer of steel wardrobes and tables. For over half a century Alpha has excelled as the market leader for a wide range of Security Solutions (for physical storage) from home use to bank vaults and currently considered the market leader for security safes.

What is the maidsafe cryptocurrency?

The Maidsafe company was founded by Scottish engineer David Irvine in 2006. However, the cryptocurrency was first issued in 2014. Thus, the MAID cryptocurrency was one of the first altcoins in digital history. What are the features of the network and the currency itself?

Who is Allsafe?

allsafe is specialized in the design and production of cabin and cargo seat tracks. A state of the art machinery allows us to offer you a broad range of customized tracks. Seat and cargo tracks which can be supplied in lengths up to 6.000 mm. Our tracks are not surface treated.

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